Source code for aergo.herapy.account

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ecdsa
import hashlib
import json

from google.protobuf.json_format import (
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidTag
from typing import (

from .grpc import blockchain_pb2

from .obj import address as addr
from .obj import aer
from .obj import private_key as pk

from .utils.encoding import (
from .utils import merkle_proof as mp
from .utils.encryption import (

from .errors.general_exception import GeneralException

[docs]class Account: """ Account can be a user account with private and public key, or a contract account. """ def __init__( self, private_key: Union[str, bytes, None] = None, empty: bool = False ) -> None: if empty: self.__private_key = None self.__address = None self.__state = None self.__state_proof = None return self.__private_key = pk.PrivateKey(private_key) self.__address = self.__private_key.address self.__state = None self.__state_proof = None
[docs] def json( self, password: Union[bytes, str, None] = None, with_private_key: bool = False ) -> Dict: state = self.state is_state_proof = False if self.__state_proof: state = MessageToJson(self.__state_proof) is_state_proof = True if state: state = json.loads(state) account = { "address": str(self.__address), "balance": str(self.balance), "nonce": str(self.nonce), "state": state, "is_state_proof": is_state_proof, } if password and self.__private_key is not None: enc_key = Account.encrypt_account(self, password) account["enc_key"] = encode_private_key(enc_key) if with_private_key and self.__private_key is not None: account["priv_key"] = str(self.__private_key) return account
[docs] @staticmethod def from_json( data: Union[Dict, str], password: Union[bytes, str, None] = None ) -> 'Account': if isinstance(data, str): data_dict: Dict = json.loads(data) data = data_dict # handle private key or encrypted key priv_key = data.get('priv_key', None) enc_key = data.get('enc_key', None) if priv_key: account = Account(private_key=priv_key) elif enc_key: enc_key = decode_private_key(enc_key) if not password: raise GeneralException("Must provide a password to decrypt") account = Account.decrypt_account(enc_key, password) else: account = Account(empty=True) # handle address address = data.get('address', None) if address is None: raise ValueError("address cannot be None") elif account.address is not None and address != str(account.address): raise ValueError("address is irrelevant with the private key") elif account.address is None: account.address = address # handle state of state_proof state = data.get('state', None) if state: state = json.dumps(state) is_state_proof = data.get('is_state_proof') if is_state_proof: state_proof_pb2 = blockchain_pb2.AccountProof() Parse(state, state_proof_pb2, ignore_unknown_fields=True) account.state_proof = state_proof_pb2 else: state_pb2 = blockchain_pb2.State() Parse(state, state_pb2, ignore_unknown_fields=True) account.state = state_pb2 return account
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt_from_keystore( keystore: Union[Dict, str], password: str ) -> 'Account': if isinstance(keystore, str): keystore_dict: Dict = json.loads(keystore) keystore = keystore_dict try: privkey_raw = decrypt_keystore_v1(keystore, password) except AssertionError as e: raise GeneralException("Failed to decrypt keystore") from e return Account(private_key=privkey_raw)
[docs] @staticmethod def encrypt_to_keystore( account: 'Account', password: str, kdf_n: int = 2**18 ) -> Dict: if not account.private_key: raise GeneralException("Account must have a private key") try: keystore = encrypt_to_keystore_v1( bytes(account.private_key), str(account.address), password, kdf_n=kdf_n ) except AssertionError as e: raise GeneralException("Failed to encrypt keystore") from e return keystore
def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.json(), indent=2)
[docs] def sign_msg_hash(self, msg_hash: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]: return self.__private_key.sign_msg(msg_hash) if \ self.__private_key else None
[docs] def verify_sign(self, msg_hash: bytes, sign: bytes) -> Optional[bool]: return self.__private_key.verify_sign(msg_hash, sign) if \ self.__private_key else None
@property def private_key(self) -> Optional[pk.PrivateKey]: return self.__private_key @property def public_key(self) -> Optional[ecdsa.ecdsa.Public_key]: if self.__private_key is not None: return self.__private_key.public_key if self.__address is not None: return self.__address.public_key return None @property def address(self) -> Optional[addr.Address]: return self.__address @address.setter def address(self, v: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: if self.__address is not None: raise ValueError('not empty account') self.__address = addr.Address(None, empty=True) self.__address.value = v # type: ignore @property def state(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.__state is None: return None return MessageToJson(self.__state) @state.setter def state(self, v): self.__state = v @property def state_proof(self): return self.__state_proof @state_proof.setter def state_proof(self, v): self.__state_proof = v @property def nonce(self): if self.__state is None: return -1 return self.__state.nonce @nonce.setter def nonce(self, v): if self.__state.nonce > v: raise ValueError( "the nonce value should be bigger than the current nonce " "value: {}".format(self.__state.nonce) ) self.__state.nonce = v @property def balance(self): if self.__state is None: return aer.Aer() return aer.Aer(int.from_bytes(self.__state.balance, 'big')) @property def code_hash(self): if self.__state is None: return None return self.__state.codeHash @property def storage_root(self): if self.__state is None: return None return self.__state.storageRoot @property def sql_recovery_point(self): if self.__state is None: return None return self.__state.sqlRecoveryPoint
[docs] @staticmethod def encrypt_account( account: 'Account', password: Union[str, bytes] ) -> bytes: """ :param account: account to export :return: encrypted account data (bytes) """ if not account.private_key: raise GeneralException("Account must have a private key") return encrypt_bytes(bytes(account.private_key), password)
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt_account( encrypted_bytes: bytes, password: Union[str, bytes] ) -> 'Account': """ :param encrypted_bytes: encrypted data (bytes) of account :param password: to decrypt the exported bytes :return: account instance """ try: dec_value = decrypt_bytes(encrypted_bytes, password) except InvalidTag as e: raise GeneralException( "Fail to decrypt an account. Please check the password." ) from e return Account(private_key=dec_value)
[docs] def verify_proof(self, root: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool: """ verify that the given inclusion and exclusion proofs are correct """ if self.__state_proof is None: return False if isinstance(root, str) and len(root) != 0: root = decode_root(root) if bytes(self.__address) != self.__state_proof.key: return False trie_key = hashlib.sha256(bytes(self.address)).digest() value = hashlib.sha256( self.__state_proof.state.SerializeToString()).digest() ap = self.__state_proof.auditPath if self.__state_proof.bitmap: height = self.__state_proof.height bitmap = self.__state_proof.bitmap if self.__state_proof.inclusion: return mp.verify_inclusion_c( ap, height, bitmap, root, trie_key, value) else: return mp.verify_exclusion_c( root, ap, height, bitmap, trie_key, self.__state_proof.proofKey, self.__state_proof.proofVal ) else: if self.__state_proof.inclusion: return mp.verify_inclusion(ap, root, trie_key, value) else: return mp.verify_exclusion( root, ap, trie_key, self.__state_proof.proofKey, self.__state_proof.proofVal )