Source code for aergo.herapy.aergo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

import hashlib
import json
import time
from typing import (

from . import account as acc
from . import comm

from .obj import address as addr
from .obj import block_hash as bh
from .obj import peer as pr
from .obj import tx_hash as th
from .obj.block import Block
from .obj.block_stream import BlockStream
from .obj.blockchain_info import BlockchainInfo
from .obj.blockchain_status import BlockchainStatus
from .obj.call_info import CallInfo
from .obj.change_conf_info import ChangeConfInfo
from .obj.consensus_info import ConsensusInfo
from .obj.event import Event
from .obj.event_stream import EventStream
from .obj.name_info import NameInfo
from .obj.node_info import NodeInfo
from .obj.sc_state import (
from .obj.transaction import Transaction, TxType
from .obj.tx_hash import TxHash
from .obj.tx_result import TxResult
from .obj.var_proof import VarProofs
from .obj.abi import Abi
from .obj.enterprise_config import EnterpriseConfig

from .errors.exception import CommunicationException
from .errors.general_exception import GeneralException

from .status.commit_status import CommitStatus

from .utils.encoding import (

[docs]class Aergo: """ Main class for `herapy <>`_ """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.__account: Optional[acc.Account] = None self.__comm: Optional[comm.Comm] = None @property def account(self) -> Optional[acc.Account]: """ Returns the account object. :return: """ return self.__account @account.setter def account(self, a: acc.Account) -> None: self.__account = a
[docs] def new_account( self, private_key: Union[str, bytes, None] = None, skip_state: bool = False ) -> acc.Account: self.__account = acc.Account(private_key=private_key) if not skip_state: self.get_account() return self.__account
# TODO how about making account_state class, # or how about returning account and change method name
[docs] def get_account( self, account: Optional[acc.Account] = None, address: Union[str, bytes, addr.Address, None] = None, proof: bool = False, root: bytes = b'', compressed: bool = True ) -> acc.Account: """ Return account information :param address: :param proof: :param root: :param compressed: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if account is None and address is None: # self account ret_account = self.__account if ret_account is None or ret_account.address is None: raise GeneralException( "Current account is not set") req_address = bytes(ret_account.address) elif account is not None: ret_account = account if account.address is None: raise GeneralException( "Provided account address is not set") req_address = bytes(account.address) else: if address is None: raise GeneralException( "Fail to get an account info. No designated account " "address." ) else: ret_account = acc.Account(empty=True) if isinstance(address, str): req_address = addr.Address.decode(address) elif isinstance(address, addr.Address): req_address = bytes(address) else: req_address = address ret_account.address = req_address # type: ignore if proof: if isinstance(root, str) and len(root) != 0: root = decode_root(root) try: state_proof = self.__comm.get_account_state_proof(req_address, root, compressed) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e ret_account.state = state_proof.state ret_account.state_proof = state_proof else: try: state = self.__comm.get_account_state(req_address) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e ret_account.state = state ret_account.state_proof = None return ret_account
[docs] def connect( self, target: str, tls_ca_cert: Optional[str] = None, tls_cert: Optional[str] = None, tls_key: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Connect to the gRPC server running on port `target` e.g. target="localhost:7845". :param target: :param tls_ca_cert: :param tls_cert: :param tls_key: :return: """ if target is None: raise ValueError('need target value') tls_ca_cert_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None tls_cert_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None tls_key_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None if tls_ca_cert is not None: try: with open(tls_ca_cert, 'rb') as f: tls_ca_cert_bytes = except: pass if tls_cert is not None: try: with open(tls_cert, 'rb') as f: tls_cert_bytes = except: pass if tls_key is not None: try: with open(tls_key, 'rb') as f: tls_key_bytes = except: pass self.__comm = comm.Comm( target, tls_ca_cert_bytes, tls_cert_bytes, tls_key_bytes) try: self.__comm.connect() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e try: status = self.__comm.get_blockchain_status() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e self.chain_id = status.best_chain_id_hash
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """ Disconnect from the gRPC server. """ if self.__comm is not None: try: self.__comm.disconnect() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e
[docs] def get_chain_info( self, with_consensus_info: bool = True ) -> BlockchainInfo: """ Returns the blockchain info :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: chain_info = self.__comm.get_chain_info() if with_consensus_info: consensus_info = self.__comm.get_consensus_info() else: consensus_info = None except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return BlockchainInfo(chain_info, consensus_info)
[docs] def get_consensus_info(self) -> ConsensusInfo: """ Returns the consensus information :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: info = self.__comm.get_consensus_info() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return ConsensusInfo(info)
[docs] def get_status(self) -> BlockchainStatus: """ Returns the blockchain status :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: status = self.__comm.get_blockchain_status() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return BlockchainStatus(status)
[docs] def receive_block_meta_stream(self) -> BlockStream: """ Returns the iterable block stream :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: stream = self.__comm.receive_block_meta_stream() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return BlockStream(stream)
[docs] def receive_block_stream(self) -> BlockStream: """ Returns the iterable block stream :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: stream = self.__comm.receive_block_stream() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return BlockStream(stream)
[docs] def get_block_metas( self, block_hash: Optional[bytes] = None, block_height: int = -1, list_size: int = 20, offset: int = 0, is_asc_order: bool = False ) -> List[Block]: """ Returns the list of metadata of queried blocks. :param block_hash: :param block_height: :param list_size: maximum number of results :param offset: the start point to search until the block_hash or block_height :param is_asc_order: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if block_hash is None and block_height < 0: raise ValueError("Please insert a block hash or height") try: bms = self.__comm.get_block_metas(block_hash=block_hash, block_height=block_height, list_size=list_size, offset=offset, is_asc_order=is_asc_order) block_headers = [] for bm in bms.blocks: block_headers.append(Block(hash_value=bm.hash, grpc_block_header=bm.header, tx_cnt=bm.txcount, size=bm.size)) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return block_headers
[docs] def receive_event_stream( self, sc_address: Union[str, bytes, TxHash], event_name: str, start_block_no: int = 0, end_block_no: int = 0, with_desc: bool = False, arg_filter: Optional[Union[str, Dict, List, Tuple]] = None, recent_block_cnt: int = 0 ) -> EventStream: if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(sc_address, str): # TODO exception handling: raise ValueError("Invalid checksum") sc_address = addr.Address.decode(sc_address) elif isinstance(sc_address, TxHash): sc_address = bytes(sc_address) arg_filter_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None if arg_filter: if isinstance(arg_filter, (dict, list, tuple)): arg_filter = json.dumps(arg_filter) arg_filter_bytes = arg_filter.encode('utf-8') try: es = self.__comm.receive_event_stream( sc_address=sc_address, event_name=event_name, start_block_no=start_block_no, end_block_no=end_block_no, with_desc=with_desc, arg_filter=arg_filter_bytes, recent_block_cnt=recent_block_cnt ) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return EventStream(es)
[docs] def get_events( self, sc_address: Union[bytes, str, TxHash], event_name: str, start_block_no: int = -1, end_block_no: int = -1, with_desc: bool = False, arg_filter: Optional[Union[str, Dict, List, Tuple]] = None, recent_block_cnt: int = 0 ) -> List[Event]: if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(sc_address, str): # TODO exception handling: raise ValueError("Invalid checksum") sc_address = addr.Address.decode(sc_address) elif isinstance(sc_address, TxHash): sc_address = bytes(sc_address) arg_filter_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None if arg_filter: if isinstance(arg_filter, (dict, list, tuple)): arg_filter = json.dumps(arg_filter) arg_filter_bytes = arg_filter.encode('utf-8') # max range = 10000 if start_block_no < 0 and end_block_no < 0: recent_block_cnt = 10000 elif start_block_no < 0: start_block_no = end_block_no - 10000 if start_block_no < 0: start_block_no = 0 elif end_block_no < 0: end_block_no = start_block_no + 10000 try: result = self.__comm.get_events(sc_address=sc_address, event_name=event_name, start_block_no=start_block_no, end_block_no=end_block_no, with_desc=with_desc, arg_filter=arg_filter_bytes, recent_block_cnt=recent_block_cnt) event_list = [] for e in event_list.append(Event(e)) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return event_list
[docs] def get_block_headers( self, block_hash: Optional[bytes] = None, block_height: int = -1, list_size: int = 20, offset: int = 0, is_asc_order: bool = False ) -> List[Block]: """ Returns the list of blocks. :param block_hash: :param block_height: :param list_size: maximum number of results :param offset: the start point to search until the block_hash or block_height :param is_asc_order: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if block_hash is None and block_height < 0: raise ValueError("Please insert a block hash or height") try: bhs = self.__comm.get_block_headers(block_hash=block_hash, block_height=block_height, list_size=list_size, offset=offset, is_asc_order=is_asc_order) block_headers = [] for b in bhs.blocks: block_headers.append(Block(grpc_block=b)) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return block_headers
[docs] def get_blockchain_status(self) -> Tuple[bh.BlockHash, int]: """ Returns the highest block hash and block height so far. :return: """ status = self.get_status() return status.best_block_hash, status.best_block_height
[docs] def get_block( self, block_hash: Union[bytes, bh.BlockHash, None] = None, block_height: int = -1 ) -> Block: """ Returns block information for `block_hash` or `block_height`. :param block_hash: :param block_height: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if block_height >= 0: query = block_height.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little') else: if block_hash is None: raise ValueError("Please insert a block hash or height") if not isinstance(block_hash, bh.BlockHash): block_hash = bh.BlockHash(block_hash) query = block_hash.value try: result = self.__comm.get_block(query) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e b = Block(grpc_block=result) return b
[docs] def get_block_meta( self, block_hash: Union[bytes, bh.BlockHash, None] = None, block_height: int = -1 ) -> Block: """ Returns block metadata for `block_hash` or `block_height`. :param block_hash: :param block_height: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if block_height >= 0: query = block_height.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little') else: if block_hash is None: raise ValueError("Please insert a block hash or height") if not isinstance(block_hash, bh.BlockHash): block_hash = bh.BlockHash(block_hash) query = block_hash.value try: bm = self.__comm.get_block_meta(query) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e b = Block(hash_value=bm.hash, grpc_block_header=bm.header, tx_cnt=bm.txcount, size=bm.size) return b
[docs] def get_node_accounts( self, skip_state: bool = False ) -> List[acc.Account]: """ Returns a list of all node accounts. :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: result = self.__comm.get_accounts() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e accounts = [] for a in result.accounts: if skip_state: account = acc.Account(empty=True) account.address = a.address else: account = self.get_account(address=a.address) accounts.append(account) return accounts
[docs] def get_peers(self) -> List[pr.Peer]: """ Returns a list of peers. :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: result = self.__comm.get_peers() except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e peers = [] for i, p in enumerate(result.peers): peer = pr.Peer() = p peers.append(peer) return peers
[docs] def get_node_info(self, keys: Optional[str] = None) -> NodeInfo: """ Returns the consensus information :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: info = self.__comm.get_node_info(keys) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return NodeInfo(info)
[docs] def get_node_state(self, timeout: int = 1) -> Dict: """ Returns information about the node state. :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: result = self.__comm.get_node_state(timeout) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e json_txt = result.value.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') return json.loads(json_txt)
[docs] def get_tx( self, tx_hash: Union[str, TxHash, bytes], mempool_only: bool = False, skip_block: bool = False ) -> Transaction: """ Returns info on transaction with hash `tx_hash`. :param tx_hash: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(tx_hash, str): tx_hash_bytes = decode_tx_hash(tx_hash) assert tx_hash_bytes tx_hash = tx_hash_bytes elif isinstance(tx_hash, TxHash): tx_hash = bytes(tx_hash) try: result_tx = self.__comm.get_tx(tx_hash) result_tx_block_hash = None result_tx_index = -1 result_tx_is_in_mempool = True except Exception as e: if mempool_only: raise CommunicationException(e) from e else: try: result = self.__comm.get_block_tx(tx_hash) result_tx = result.tx result_tx_block_hash = result.txIdx.blockHash result_tx_index = result.txIdx.idx result_tx_is_in_mempool = False except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e result_tx_block: Optional[Block] if result_tx_block_hash is not None: if skip_block: result_tx_block = Block(hash_value=result_tx_block_hash, height=None) else: result_tx_block = self.get_block( block_hash=result_tx_block_hash) else: result_tx_block = None from_address = addr.Address(None, empty=True) from_address.value = result_tx.body.account to_address = addr.Address(None, empty=True) to_address.value = result_tx.body.recipient tx = Transaction(read_only=True, tx_hash=result_tx.hash, nonce=result_tx.body.nonce, from_address=from_address, to_address=to_address, amount=result_tx.body.amount, payload=result_tx.body.payload, gas_price=result_tx.body.gasPrice, gas_limit=result_tx.body.gasLimit, tx_sign=result_tx.body.sign, tx_type=result_tx.body.type, chain_id=result_tx.body.chainIdHash, block=result_tx_block, index_in_block=result_tx_index, is_in_mempool=result_tx_is_in_mempool) return tx
[docs] def lock_account(self, address: bytes, passphrase: str): """ Locks the account with address `address` with the passphrase `passphrase`. :param address: :param passphrase: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: result = self.__comm.lock_account(address, passphrase) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return result
[docs] def unlock_account(self, address: bytes, passphrase: str): """ Unlocks the account with address `address` with the passphrase `passphrase`. :param address: :param passphrase: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: result = self.__comm.unlock_account(address=address, passphrase=passphrase) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return result
[docs] def generate_tx( self, to_address: Union[bytes, str, None], nonce: int, amount: Union[bytes, str, int, float], gas_limit: int = 0, gas_price: int = 0, payload: Optional[bytes] = None, tx_type: TxType = TxType.NORMAL ) -> Transaction: if self.__account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") address_obj: Optional[addr.Address] = None if to_address is not None: address_obj = addr.Address(None, empty=True) address_obj.value = to_address # type: ignore tx = Transaction( tx_type=tx_type, from_address=self.__account.address, to_address=address_obj, nonce=nonce, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas_limit, gas_price=gas_price, payload=payload, chain_id=self.chain_id ) tx.sign = self.__account.sign_msg_hash( tx.calculate_hash(including_sign=False)) return tx
[docs] def transfer( self, to_address: Union[str, bytes, addr.Address, addr.GovernanceTxAddress], amount: Union[bytes, str, int, float], retry_nonce: int = 3 ) -> Tuple[Transaction, TxResult]: return self.send_payload( amount=amount, to_address=to_address, payload=None, retry_nonce=retry_nonce )
[docs] def send_payload( self, amount: Union[bytes, str, int, float], payload: Optional[bytes] = None, to_address: Union[str, bytes, addr.Address, addr.GovernanceTxAddress, None] = None, retry_nonce: int = 0, tx_type: TxType = TxType.TRANSFER, gas_limit: int = 0, gas_price: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[Transaction, TxResult]: if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if self.__account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") to_address_bytes: Optional[bytes] if isinstance(to_address, str): # check address type address_type = addr.check_name_address(to_address) if address_type > 0: to_address_bytes = to_address.encode() if 2 == address_type: tx_type = TxType.GOVERNANCE else: try: to_address_bytes = decode_address(to_address) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Invalid receiver address: {}".format(e)) elif isinstance(to_address, addr.Address): to_address_bytes = bytes(to_address) elif isinstance(to_address, addr.GovernanceTxAddress): if addr.check_name_address(to_address.value): to_address_bytes = to_address.value.encode() tx_type = TxType.GOVERNANCE else: to_address_bytes = to_address nonce = self.__account.nonce + 1 tx = self.generate_tx(to_address=to_address_bytes, nonce=nonce, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas_limit, gas_price=gas_price, payload=payload, tx_type=tx_type) signed_tx, result = self.send_tx(signed_tx=tx) if result.status == CommitStatus.TX_OK: self.__account.nonce = nonce elif result.status == CommitStatus.TX_HAS_SAME_NONCE: while retry_nonce > 0: retry_nonce -= 1 # update account info. self.get_account() new_nonce = self.__account.nonce + 1 if new_nonce == nonce: nonce += 1 else: nonce = new_nonce tx = self.generate_tx(to_address=to_address_bytes, nonce=nonce, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas_limit, gas_price=gas_price, payload=payload, tx_type=tx_type) signed_tx, result = self.send_tx(signed_tx=tx) es = result.status if es == CommitStatus.TX_OK: self.__account.nonce = nonce break elif es != CommitStatus.TX_HAS_SAME_NONCE: break return signed_tx, result
[docs] def send_unsigned_tx(self, unsigned_tx: Transaction): """ Sends the unsigned transaction. The unsigned transaction will be signed by the account which is stored in the connected node. :param unsigned_tx: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: result = self.__comm.send_tx(unsigned_tx) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return result
[docs] def send_tx(self, signed_tx: Transaction) -> Tuple[Transaction, TxResult]: """ Send a signed transaction. This transaction will push to the memory pool after verifying. :param signed_tx: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") signed_txs, results = self.batch_tx(signed_txs=[signed_tx]) return signed_txs[0], results[0]
[docs] def batch_tx( self, signed_txs: List[Transaction] ) -> Tuple[List[Transaction], List[TxResult]]: """ Send a set of signed transactions simultaneously. These transactions will push to the memory pool after verifying. :param signed_txs: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if self.__account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") try: result_list = self.__comm.commit_txs(signed_txs) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e results = [] for i, r in enumerate(result_list.results): tx_result = TxResult( tx=signed_txs[i], result=result_list.results[i]) if tx_result.status == CommitStatus.TX_OK: self.__account.nonce += 1 results.append(tx_result) return signed_txs, results
[docs] def import_account( self, exported_data: Union[str, bytes], password: Union[str, bytes], skip_state: bool = False, skip_self: bool = False ) -> acc.Account: if exported_data is None or 0 == len(exported_data): # TODO unit test + exception handling assert 1 == 0 if password is None or 0 == len(password): # TODO unit test + exception handling assert 1 == 0 if isinstance(exported_data, str): exported_data_bytes = decode_private_key(exported_data) assert exported_data_bytes exported_data = exported_data_bytes if isinstance(password, bytes): password = password.decode('utf-8') account = acc.Account.decrypt_account(exported_data, password) if not skip_self: self.__account = account if not skip_state: self.get_account() else: if not skip_state: self.get_account(account=account) return account
[docs] def import_account_from_keystore( self, keystore: Union[Dict, str], password: str, skip_state: bool = False, skip_self: bool = False ) -> acc.Account: account = acc.Account.decrypt_from_keystore(keystore, password) if not skip_self: self.__account = account if not skip_state: self.get_account() else: if not skip_state: self.get_account(account=account) return account
[docs] def import_account_from_keystore_file( self, keystore_path: str, password: str, skip_state: bool = False, skip_self: bool = False ) -> acc.Account: with open(keystore_path, "r") as f: keystore = return self.import_account_from_keystore( keystore, password, skip_state, skip_self)
[docs] def export_account( self, password: Union[str, bytes], account: Optional[acc.Account] = None ) -> str: if account is None: account = self.__account if account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") enc_acc = acc.Account.encrypt_account(account, password) export_str = encode_private_key(enc_acc) assert export_str return export_str
[docs] def export_account_to_keystore( self, password: str, account: Optional[acc.Account] = None, kdf_n: int = 2**18 ) -> Dict: if account is None: account = self.__account if account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") keystore = acc.Account.encrypt_to_keystore(account, password, kdf_n) return keystore
[docs] def export_account_to_keystore_file( self, keystore_path: str, password: str, account: Optional[acc.Account] = None, kdf_n: int = 2**18 ) -> None: keystore = self.export_account_to_keystore(password, account, kdf_n) with open(keystore_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(keystore, f, indent=4)
[docs] def get_tx_result( self, tx_hash: Union[str, th.TxHash, bytes] ) -> TxResult: if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(tx_hash, str): tx_hash_bytes = decode_tx_hash(tx_hash) assert tx_hash_bytes tx_hash = tx_hash_bytes elif isinstance(tx_hash, th.TxHash): tx_hash = bytes(tx_hash) try: result = self.__comm.get_receipt(tx_hash) tx_result = TxResult(result=result) tx_result.tx_id = encode_tx_hash(tx_hash) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return tx_result
[docs] def wait_tx_result( self, tx_hash: Union[str, th.TxHash, bytes], timeout: int = 30, tempo: float = 0.2 ) -> TxResult: if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(tx_hash, str): tx_hash_bytes = decode_tx_hash(tx_hash) assert tx_hash_bytes tx_hash = tx_hash_bytes elif type(tx_hash) is th.TxHash: tx_hash = bytes(tx_hash) for _ in range(int(timeout / tempo) + 1): try: return self.get_tx_result(tx_hash) except CommunicationException as e: if (e.error_details is None or e.error_details[:12] != "tx not found"): raise e time.sleep(tempo) raise GeneralException("Transaction result not found")
[docs] def deploy_sc( self, payload: Union[str, bytes], amount: Union[bytes, str, int, float] = 0, args: Optional[Any] = None, retry_nonce: int = 0, redeploy: bool = False, gas_limit: int = 0, gas_price: int = 0 ): if isinstance(payload, str): payload = decode_address(payload) if args is not None and not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): args = [args] payload_bytes = (len(payload) + 4).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') payload_bytes += payload json_args = json.dumps(args, separators=(',', ':')) payload_bytes += json_args.encode('utf-8') if redeploy: tx_type = TxType.SC_REDEPLOY else: tx_type = TxType.SC_DEPLOY tx, result = self.send_payload( amount=amount, payload=payload_bytes, retry_nonce=retry_nonce, tx_type=tx_type, gas_limit=gas_limit, gas_price=gas_price ) return tx, result
[docs] def new_call_sc_tx( self, sc_address: Union[str, addr.GovernanceTxAddress, bytes], func_name: str, amount: int = 0, args: Optional[Any] = None, nonce: Optional[int] = None, gas_limit: int = 0, gas_price: int = 0 ) -> Transaction: tx_type = TxType.SC_CALL sc_address_bytes: bytes if isinstance(sc_address, str): address_type = addr.check_name_address(sc_address) if address_type > 0: sc_address_bytes = sc_address.encode() if 2 == address_type: tx_type = TxType.GOVERNANCE else: try: sc_address_bytes = decode_address(sc_address) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "Invalid smart contract address: {}".format(e)) elif isinstance(sc_address, addr.GovernanceTxAddress): if addr.check_name_address(sc_address.value): sc_address_bytes = sc_address.value.encode() tx_type = TxType.GOVERNANCE else: sc_address_bytes = sc_address if args is not None and not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): args = [args] call_info = CallInfo(func_name, args).__dict__ payload = json.dumps(call_info, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8') if nonce is None: if self.__account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") nonce = self.__account.nonce + 1 return self.generate_tx(to_address=sc_address_bytes, nonce=nonce, amount=amount, gas_limit=gas_limit, gas_price=gas_price, payload=payload, tx_type=tx_type)
[docs] def batch_call_sc( self, sc_txs: List[Transaction] ) -> Tuple[List[Transaction], List[TxResult]]: return self.batch_tx(sc_txs)
[docs] def call_sc( self, sc_address: Union[str, addr.GovernanceTxAddress, bytes], func_name: str, amount: int = 0, args: Optional[Any] = None, gas_limit: int = 0, gas_price: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[Transaction, TxResult]: sc_tx = self.new_call_sc_tx(sc_address=sc_address, func_name=func_name, amount=amount, args=args, gas_limit=gas_limit, gas_price=gas_price) sc_txs, results = self.batch_call_sc([sc_tx]) return sc_txs[0], results[0]
[docs] def query_sc( self, sc_address: Union[bytes, str], func_name: str, args: Optional[Any] = None ): if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(sc_address, str): # TODO exception handling: raise ValueError("Invalid checksum") sc_address = addr.Address.decode(sc_address) if args is not None and not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)): args = [args] call_info = CallInfo(func_name, args).__dict__ payload = json.dumps(call_info, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8') try: result = self.__comm.query_contract(sc_address, payload) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return result.value
[docs] def query_sc_state( self, sc_address: Union[bytes, str], storage_keys: List[Union[bytes, str, SCStateVar]], root: bytes = b'', compressed: bool = True ) -> SCState: """ query_sc_state returns a SCState object containing the contract state and variable state with their respective merkle proofs. """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if isinstance(sc_address, str): # TODO exception handling: raise ValueError("Invalid checksum") sc_address = addr.Address.decode(sc_address) if isinstance(root, str) and len(root) != 0: root = decode_root(root) # convert SCStateVar objects to trie storage key strings trie_keys = [] for key in storage_keys: if isinstance(key, bytes): trie_keys.append(hashlib.sha256(key).digest()) elif isinstance(key, str): trie_keys.append( hashlib.sha256(key.encode('latin-1')).digest()) elif isinstance(key, SCStateVar): trie_keys.append(hashlib.sha256(bytes(key)).digest()) else: assert False, ("Invalid key type provided, must be bytes, " "str or SCStateVar") try: result = self.__comm.query_contract_state(sc_address, trie_keys, root, compressed) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e account = acc.Account(empty=True) account.state = result.contractProof.state account.state_proof = result.contractProof account.address = sc_address # type: ignore var_proofs = VarProofs(result.varProofs, trie_keys) return SCState(account=account, var_proofs=var_proofs)
[docs] def get_conf_change_progress(self, block_height: int) -> ChangeConfInfo: """ Returns the RAFT change config progress status after 'changeCluster' system contract :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: status = self.__comm.get_conf_change_progress(block_height) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return ChangeConfInfo(status)
[docs] def get_enterprise_config(self, key: str) -> EnterpriseConfig: if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") try: conf = self.__comm.get_enterprise_config(key) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return EnterpriseConfig(conf)
[docs] def get_name_info(self, name: str, block_height: int = -1): """ Returns information of name which is designated by the system contract :param name: :param block_height: :return: """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if block_height < 0: # set current block height block_height = self.get_status().best_block_height try: info = self.__comm.get_name_info(name, block_height) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return NameInfo(info)
[docs] def get_abi(self, contract_addr: str = None, addr_bytes: bytes = None): """ Returns the abi of given contract address. """ if self.__comm is None: raise GeneralException("Must connect to network") if contract_addr is not None: addr_bytes = decode_address(contract_addr) assert addr_bytes try: abi = self.__comm.get_abi(addr_bytes) except Exception as e: raise CommunicationException(e) from e return Abi(abi)
[docs] def get_address( self, account: Optional[acc.Account] = None ) -> Optional[addr.Address]: if (account and isinstance(account, acc.Account)): return account.address if self.__account is None: raise GeneralException("Current account is not set") return self.__account.address