Source code for aergo.herapy.utils.signature

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ecdsa
from ecdsa.util import number_to_string, string_to_number

import hashlib

from .encoding import decode_address

[docs]def canonicalize_int(n, order): b = number_to_string(n, order) if (b[0] & 80) != 0: b = bytes([0]) + b return b
[docs]def serialize_sig(r, s, order) -> bytes: half_order = order >> 1 if s > half_order: s = order - s rb = canonicalize_int(r, order) sb = canonicalize_int(s, order) length = 4 + len(rb) + len(sb) b = b'\x30' + bytes([length]) b += b'\x02' + bytes([len(rb)]) + rb b += b'\x02' + bytes([len(sb)]) + sb return b
[docs]def deserialize_sig(sig): idx = 0 if b'\x30'[0] != sig[idx]: # TODO error handling return None, None idx += 1 length = len(sig) - 2 if length != sig[idx]: # TODO error handling return None, None idx += 1 # check R bytes if b'\x02'[0] != sig[idx]: # TODO error handling return None, None idx += 1 r_len = sig[idx] idx += 1 rb = sig[idx:idx + r_len] idx += r_len # check S bytes if b'\x02'[0] != sig[idx]: # TODO error handling return None, None idx += 1 s_len = sig[idx] idx += 1 sb = sig[idx:idx + s_len] return string_to_number(rb), string_to_number(sb)
[docs]def uncompress_key(compressed_key_hex): """ base source : ecdsa-uncompressed-public-key-from-a-compressed-one?rq=1 The code from bitcointalk sometimes produces a hex string uncompressed key of uneven length. """ curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1 prefix = compressed_key_hex[0:2] x_hex = compressed_key_hex[2:66] x = int(x_hex, 16) p = curve.curve.p() y_square = (pow(x, 3, p) + 7) % p y_square_square_root = pow(y_square, (p + 1) // 4, p) if ((prefix == "02" and y_square_square_root & 1) or (prefix == "03" and not y_square_square_root & 1)): y = (-y_square_square_root) % p else: y = y_square_square_root computed_y_hex = format(y, '064x') computed_uncompressed_key = "04" + x_hex + computed_y_hex return computed_uncompressed_key
[docs]def verify_sig(msg, sig, address): """ Verify that the signature 'sig' of the message 'msg' was made by 'address') """ # format signature r, s = deserialize_sig(sig) signature = ecdsa.ecdsa.Signature(r, s) # format message number = string_to_number(msg) # get uncompressed pubkey from Aergo address pubkey_compressed = decode_address(address).hex() pubkey_uncompressed = uncompress_key(pubkey_compressed) pubkey = bytes.fromhex(pubkey_uncompressed)[1:] # verify signature matches pubkey vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(pubkey, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256) return vk.pubkey.verifies(number, signature)