aergo.herapy.grpc package


aergo.herapy.grpc.account_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.account_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.blockchain_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.blockchain_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.metric_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.metric_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.node_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.node_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.p2p_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.p2p_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.pmap_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.pmap_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.polarrpc_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.polarrpc_pb2_grpc module

class aergo.herapy.grpc.polarrpc_pb2_grpc.PolarisRPCServiceServicer[source]

Bases: object

AddBLEntry(request, context)[source]
BlackList(request, context)[source]
CurrentList(request, context)[source]
ListBLEntries(request, context)[source]
Metric(request, context)[source]

Returns node metrics according to request

NodeState(request, context)[source]

Returns the current state of this node

RemoveBLEntry(request, context)[source]
WhiteList(request, context)[source]
class aergo.herapy.grpc.polarrpc_pb2_grpc.PolarisRPCServiceStub(channel)[source]

Bases: object

aergo.herapy.grpc.polarrpc_pb2_grpc.add_PolarisRPCServiceServicer_to_server(servicer, server)[source]

aergo.herapy.grpc.raft_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.raft_pb2_grpc module

aergo.herapy.grpc.rpc_pb2 module

aergo.herapy.grpc.rpc_pb2_grpc module

class aergo.herapy.grpc.rpc_pb2_grpc.AergoRPCServiceServicer[source]

Bases: object

AergoRPCService is the main RPC service providing endpoints to interact with the node and blockchain. If not otherwise noted, methods are unary requests.

Blockchain(request, context)[source]

Returns current blockchain status (best block’s height and hash)

ChainStat(request, context)[source]

Returns current chain statistics

ChangeMembership(request, context)[source]

Add & remove member of raft cluster

CommitTX(request, context)[source]

Commit a signed transaction

CreateAccount(request, context)[source]

Create a new account in this node

ExportAccount(request, context)[source]

Export account stored in this node

GetABI(request, context)[source]

Return ABI stored at contract address

GetAccountVotes(request, context)[source]

Return staking, voting info for account

GetAccounts(request, context)[source]

Return list of accounts in this node

GetBlock(request, context)[source]

Return a single block incl. header and body, queried by hash or number

GetBlockBody(request, context)[source]

Return a single block’s body, queried by hash or number and list parameters

GetBlockMetadata(request, context)[source]

Return a single block’s metdata (hash, header, and number of transactions), queried by hash or number

GetBlockTX(request, context)[source]

Return information about transaction in block, queried by transaction hash

GetChainInfo(request, context)[source]

Returns current blockchain’s basic information

GetConfChangeProgress(request, context)[source]

Return a status of changeCluster enterprise tx, queried by requestID

GetConsensusInfo(request, context)[source]

Returns status of consensus and bps

GetEnterpriseConfig(request, context)[source]

Returns enterprise config

GetNameInfo(request, context)[source]

Return name information

GetPeers(request, context)[source]

Return list of peers of this node and their state

GetReceipt(request, context)[source]

Return transaction receipt, queried by transaction hash

GetServerInfo(request, context)[source]

Returns configs and statuses of server

GetStaking(request, context)[source]

Return staking information

GetState(request, context)[source]

Return state of account

GetStateAndProof(request, context)[source]

Return state of account, including merkle proof

GetTX(request, context)[source]

Return a single transaction, queried by transaction hash

GetVotes(request, context)[source]

Return result of vote

ImportAccount(request, context)[source]

Import account to this node

ListBlockHeaders(request, context)[source]

Returns list of Blocks without body according to request

ListBlockMetadata(request, context)[source]

Returns list of block metadata (hash, header, and number of transactions) according to request

ListBlockMetadataStream(request, context)[source]

Returns a stream of new block’s metadata as they get added to the blockchain

ListBlockStream(request, context)[source]

Returns a stream of new blocks as they get added to the blockchain

ListEventStream(request, context)[source]

Returns a stream of event as they get added to the blockchain

ListEvents(request, context)[source]

Returns list of event

LockAccount(request, context)[source]

Lock account in this node

Metric(request, context)[source]

Returns node metrics according to request

NodeState(request, context)[source]

Returns the current state of this node

QueryContract(request, context)[source]

Query a contract method

QueryContractState(request, context)[source]

Query contract state

SendTX(request, context)[source]

Sign and send a transaction from an unlocked account

SignTX(request, context)[source]

Sign transaction with unlocked account

UnlockAccount(request, context)[source]

Unlock account in this node

VerifyTX(request, context)[source]

Verify validity of transaction

class aergo.herapy.grpc.rpc_pb2_grpc.AergoRPCServiceStub(channel)[source]

Bases: object

AergoRPCService is the main RPC service providing endpoints to interact with the node and blockchain. If not otherwise noted, methods are unary requests.

aergo.herapy.grpc.rpc_pb2_grpc.add_AergoRPCServiceServicer_to_server(servicer, server)[source]

Module contents

grpc package for herapy.